MnUSA 2011 Award Recipients
Snowmobilers Recognized for Outstanding Achievements
Each year at the MnUSA Winter Rendezvous, Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association holds it's award banquet and gives special recognition to members that went to exceptional lengths to support MnUSA and snowmobiling in Minnesota. The Minnesota DNR Enforcement also presents its Snowmobile Safety Instructor of the Year award. Award recipients are: Snowmobile Dealer of the Year - Waconia Farm Supply, Waconia, MN; Unsung Hero Award - Dale Hemkin, Brainerd, MN; Snowmobiler of the Year Award - Bob Linn, Waterville, MN; Go-Getter Award - Colin Brown, Loretto, MN; and Snowmobile Safety Instructor of the Year - Wayne Dudley, Lake City, MN.
This year the Minnesota DNR also presented its Certificate of Recognition Award on behalf of the People of Minnesota to all the snowmobile trail administrators in Minnesota in recognition of the dedicated service to Minnesota's Snowmobiling Community and Minnesota's 22,000 miles of Snowmobile Trails.