Ask The Candidates
What happens at the legislature is extremely important to the future of the 22,000+ mile snowmobile trail system in Minnesota. Although 96% of the work to prepare and groom the trails is done by volunteer clubs across the state through a grant-in-aid system, it is the legislature that determines how much money is appropriated to pay for the administration, enforcement and the grants for the trails from the Snowmobile Trails and Enforcement dedicated account and passes legislation that positively or negatively affects our sport.
To help Minnesota snowmobilers make the best informed decisions about the various candidates, we have sought out the candidate’s opinions on our issues. The results can be seen below.
Take a moment to see if the candidates in your district have responded. If they have, call or send a note thanking them. Even if they disagree with our position, these people have taken the time to think about our issues and care enough about snowmobiling to share their thoughts. If your candidates haven’t responded, ask them why.
Most importantly, support those candidates who support snowmobiling! Note that we have bipartisan support. Help them out, put out a lawn sign and VOTE. Snowmobiling will stay strong as long as we care enough to be involved.
If you are not sure who will represent you with the redistricting, go to You will then need to click on “find your new House district” (in the blue box) and then type in your address and the website will tell you which districts you reside in. For example, if your House district is 43A, your Senate district is 43. You can then see if your candidates have responded to the survey. Let’s have a big impact on this important election.
Please check back for updates.