MN Celebrates Snowmobiling
MN Celebrates Snowmobiling!
Snowmobilers across the state are gearing up for their season. To kick off the 2019-2020 season, Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association is partnering with dealers, clubs and members to celebrate our recreation with open houses, parties, events, etc., including some fabulous prizes. The prize drawing is open to anyone 21 or older and there is no cost to enter. The drawing will be held on December 32rd.
In addition to the great trails the clubs have been working on, there are many activities happening this season so join in the fun. MnUSA’s President and Vice President will be visiting with snowmobilers at snowmobile dealers on Saturday, December 7th. You may sign up for the MN Celebrates Snowmobiling prizes at these events.
MnUSA President Greg Sorenson, along with members of the Duluth area snowmobile clubs, will participate in an open house from 9 am to 1 pm at Duluth Lawn & Sport, 4715 Grand Ave., Duluth.
Scott Wakefield, MnUSA Vice President, along with members of the Carver County Snowrunners, will be at open houses from 10 am to 2 pm at UFC Farm Supply, 801 State Hwy 28, Waconia, and St. Boni Motorsports, 4120 Steiner St, St. Bonifacius.They will also be collecting toys for Toys for Tots. Stop in, talk snowmobiling, and bring a toy for delivery to KARE 11 on Dec. 10th.
Find more snowmobile events listed on MnUSA’s website at:
Share your passion & let’s celebrate snowmobiling!
Greg Sorenson, President
MN Celebrates Snowmobiling! Prize List
Detroit Lakes,MN