Hiawatha Sno-Seekers
Club Details
Hiawatha Sno-Seekers
Contact: Jeff Klein
PO Box 24
HSS is located in the area S.E. of Rochester Minnesota. We maintain approximately 100 miles of beautiful trail utilizing the valley and open fields of S.E. Minnesota.
Current membership is 100+ families. We strongly support youth education for safer snowmobiling. We also work with the local law enforcement to provide safe trails for all users. We offer education scholarship to our members and landowners immediate family.
We meet the first Monday of each month at 8:00pm. Meetings are held at our new Club House in Dover Minnesota.
Current membership is 100+ families. We strongly support youth education for safer snowmobiling. We also work with the local law enforcement to provide safe trails for all users. We offer education scholarship to our members and landowners immediate family.
We meet the first Monday of each month at 8:00pm. Meetings are held at our new Club House in Dover Minnesota.
Club Events
Date: 12/16/2017
Event: Snowmobile Safety Online - Field Day -Dover
Description: Snowmobile Safety Online - Field Day will be held at the Hiawatha Snoseekers Clubhouse, 507 East Eyota St., Dover on 12/16/17 at 8:30 am. Email trbkasanden@charter.net to register for this class. Must be 11 years of age prior to class start date to be eligible to take this course.
Date: 12/15/2018 12/15/2018
Event: Online Youth Snowmobile Safety Field Day Class - Dover
Description: Hiawatha Sno-Seekers are sponsoring an Online Youth Snowmobile Safety Field Day Class at their club house, 507 East Eyota St., Dover, on 12/15/18. Must be 11 years of age prior to class start date to be eligible to participate in this course. Please contact Todd Sanden at (507) 951-8612 or by email at trbkasanden@charter.net for additional information.
Club Officers
No Officers available at this time
Mauers Bros. Tavern
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Detroit Lakes,MN
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