International Voyageurs Snowmobile Club
Club Details
International Voyageurs Snowmobile Club
Contact: Bruce Budris
PO Box 1089
International Falls, MN 56649
Memberships include MNUSA dues.
Annual trail clearing by members and friends weather permitting first or second weekend in December.
Yearly activities scheduled are a radar run for charity and hot dog roast depending on conditions.
Check us out at
Become a member of our club and enjoy the finest groomed trails around.
Annual trail clearing by members and friends weather permitting first or second weekend in December.
Yearly activities scheduled are a radar run for charity and hot dog roast depending on conditions.
Check us out at
Become a member of our club and enjoy the finest groomed trails around.
Club Events
Date: 12/07/2019
Event: Trail clearing
Description: Trail clearing Saturday Dec 7th . Meet at Rainy Lake One Stop at 9:00 am. Bring chain saws etc. Lunch and beverages will be provided. More volunteers the quicker we get done. See you there
Date: 02/01/2020
Event: Annual hot dog roast
Description: Come and join us for our annual hot dog roast. Lots of sleds and lots of stories from tourist and locals. Good time had by all
Date: 02/15/2020
Event: 12th annual Falls International Speed Run Against Cancer - Copy
Description: 12 Annual Falls Radar Run Against Cancer. Come out and join the fun at the Thunderbird Lodge. Money raised by the Intl Voyageurs Snowmobile club as well as the generous donation from the Thunderbird Lodge are donated to our local cancer society for gas cards for cancer patients who must travel out of town for treatments. Hope to see you there for a fun day for a very good cause
Date: 02/01/2020
Event: International Voyageurs Snowmobile Club Annual hot dog roast 2020
Description: Come and join us the International Voyageurs Snowmobile Club for our annual hot dog roast. Lots of sleds and lots of stories from tourist and locals. Good time had by all
Date: 02/13/2021
Event: 13th Annual Falls International Speed Run Against Canter
Description: Radar run to support cancer patients. More information at
Club Officers
Mike Heibel
Vice president
Rainer, MN
Ryan Glennie
International Falls, MN
Holiday Inn
Mauers Bros. Tavern